Holy Smokes! Smoking Gun Coffee Won an Award!
That's right! Some of the SG crew piled into the SG-mobile and headed off to the big city for the 21st Annual Small Business BC Awards Gala.
We are honoured and humbled to even be mentioned alongside so many amazing small businesses in our beautiful province. For a Chilliwack coffee shop and coffee roaster it's humbling to know that we're able to stand amongst so many innovative and passionate businesses.
We won in the category of Ecommerce Experience which is especially exciting since we've only just dipped our toes in the waters of selling coffee online. Kudos to our in-house designer @kimdesignedthis and general manager who lead the charge on making our website a functional, fun and personal experience.
We get to connect with people face-to-face everyday in our Chilliwack cafe, and we wanted to bring that same feeling to our online channels. It's not enough to just try and sell someone coffee. We want the online SG experience to feel intentional and enjoyable too! That's why we blog, provide brew guides and just try to make our site colourful and informative. Apparently it's working!
We are so STOKED to offer our award-winning coffee to coffee lovers from BC, across Canada and elsewhere in the world through our now award-winning website!
We want to thank Small Business BC, the award category sponsor Fortis BC, our award categorey finalists Atome Bakery and Sapiens Child and YOU, beloved blog reader. Choosing to enjoy our coffee and to spend time on our website means a lot to us. We truly hope you enjoy it and find it informative.
You can check out all the amazing winners, finalists and nominees here.
You can catch a glimpse of the crew at the gala on our Instagram.